Riding the Grit route 1. This adventure is brought to you by our guest author John Sedberry, affectionately know as “Gorilla” in the off road community. John is the founder of #Gorillmotov, where he runs unique off-road adventure trips. Give him a follow. Here’s Gorillas Grit story…

Gorilla Moto’s Grit One Ride Report
About a year ago I read on Dave Wonderly’s accomplishment. Riding the Grit, I had never heard of it but was excited to pursue it. Who and what is the Grit you may ask?
“These are the riders with ultimate GRIT that have completed the GRIT rides on schedule, on course and without any support except that which naturally exists along the route. They also spent at least 3 nights sleeping in the wild while on route. They are the toughest of the tough.” Courtesy of Ridaho.
I called the two guys who I had no doubt would be down to get it done…
The Team
Fred Goldberg, a top rate handyman with multiple NETRA enduro championships to his credit. If Fred’s not on a dirt bike he’s probably off exploring on his mountain bike.
Andy Nichols, a retired Navy SEAL with East Coast racing experience and an ISDE rider. He currently works with Force Protector Gear. He’s also a master fabricator, with an amazing workshop.
In addition to their racing backgrounds they have ridden many multi-day adventures with me throughout Baja. Strong dudes both in mind, body and skills. I’m the weak link with limited mechanical skills and just under 8 years since I first threw a leg over a dirt bike.
I had decided to do GRIT Route 1. This Riding the Grit starts at Jackpot, Nevada and ends in Canada, over 1200 miles! Hardcore planning started about 3 months before go time. We all were training 4-5 days a week shedding unneeded body weight. Our gear got plenty of attention as we measured out our prospective gear weights in efforts to minimize them. We tried multiple variations of the pack out and decided with a split approach of 1/3 on the bike 2/3 on the back. We wanted to chase the Grit Gold finish, so planning revolved around traveling light, camping and keeping pace.

Day 1: 15.5 hours 285 miles
On the morning we launched from Jackpot, we realized that our GPS files had been corrupted. Although the track names were in the Garmin the tracks were missing sections or just not there.
7am on start day, we defaulted to downloading a program on our phones. Corroborating the shapes of the tracks on our phones to the back-up Stage Overview Nav Cards. This is our new way to navigate the Grit.
A few hours later, during the hottest part of the day, (96 deg) there were some additional issues with tracks. They started showing all one color and phone batteries were dying. Searching for the track, Andy slid down a very steep hill requiring him to bull-dog his bike down.
Special Test
Immediately after that was the first Special Test that had a tricky climb. After helping extract a bike from a loop-out and push bikes up the hill Andy was overheating on the very first special test hill. A quick dunk in a creek brought his core temp down. It was a rough start for the Grit Team to say the least.

We missed a few turns and ended up riding an extra 50 miles to get back on track. Pulling into our first stop at 10:30pm with the gas station closed, but the bar was open. We would not find out until later how the struggles of the first day would compound as the ride progressed.
Get Back On Track
We’re trying to get back on track, thrown off for the next 3 days as early starts were not possible. If the average GRIT 1 day is 12-13 hr and gas closes at 8-9pm and reopens at 8-9am. You need to be rolling around 7 or 8am to make it before close. Once behind its late finishes every day.
Gas is critical and the decision was made for us. We made a few new friends at the pub and took the advice of Darryl, running up the road to camp at a remote hot springs. We bathed in a mineral pool till after midnight.
Day 2: 13.5 hours 166 miles
Forced with a late start, waiting for the gas station to open, we were determined to have a better day. Our navigation was dialed at this point and except for the occasional missed turn. It was no longer an issue the remainder of the ride.
Single Track
The first full day of Single track was epic. Getting used to the side hills of Idaho by learning to focus on 15 feet in front of you. While ignoring the 200 feet below. Around mid-day, we experienced our first log jam and pulled out the Big Boy saws and reopened the trail.

It took roughly two hours to clear this tree. But our spirits remained high, a small taste of what was to come. At one point, I was assisting Fred whose back tire barely came off the trail. While lifting the bike it started to slip again and I instinctively I grabbed a red-hot muffler. That would put a burn on my palm the size of half dollar.

Shock Issues
At some point during the day, Andy’s rear shock preload adjuster (X-Trig) broke. It would back out at an unpredictable rate making challenging trails more so with a bike he could not steer. He worked out a system to quickly make adjustments each hour to maintain control. We rode on and dropped into Lowman around 10pm. The day one delays continued to play their part, and again the gas station and everything around it were closed. This was a sporting finish for the team.
Running On Empty
On fumes, without enough gas to make town on the road, we risked it and descended the large hills. Coming into town, well into dark coasting with the engine off as much as possible. We’re coming down the mountain because we’re trying to extend our range. When we got to town, there’s just enough in the tank to skirt 5 miles south and set up camp. Low on water, and with no gas, it was going to be another late start for Grit day 3.
Day 3: 13 hours 220 miles
After an 8am gas up and a quick breakfast, we were moving by 8:45am. It was much later then we wanted, but once you’re behind it is very hard to catch up. We rode some fun trail and we were pushing to make McCall. We made a tactical error at this point. Knowing we had been behind with late starts we opted to not do the Mt. Spine with deep river crossing and picked up another blue trail to replace it. This would cost us as the trail we picked had 4 trees blocking the way in different spots. We tried to go under trimming as we went but were denied.

Against The Clock
We cut one then realized time was ticking so we started lifting bikes over the 4 ft obstacles. HEAVE HO!! Eventually, we hit he the 20-mile trail south of McCall. This was EPIC!! It was so flowy, fast, fun, and beautiful. We did not want this one to end. Arriving in McCall, we still had 2-3 hours of daylight, so we pressed on to Patrick Butte. Arriving at the first trail, we got deep into the bush with downed trees all around. There’s no way to get through. The sun was setting, so we backtracked to Hazard Lake and set up camp.

Day 4: 17 hours 210 miles
We woke up to frost and Fred lit a fire in an attempt to dry wet gear. Moving a little slower, we were off to try the other trail. This trail drops you into Riggins and is ridiculously awesome for many reasons.
Riggins Trail
You start on an ATV trail, that quickly becomes horse trail. Then your straining to see a trail, till finally you can’t find the trail. We would go on it for 100 yards lose it, find it, hit repeat now that’s Riding the Grit!
You climb up to the peaks via sharp switch backs and across green meadows. You reach the descent of 40+ switchbacks. On what was the steepest descent I have seen let alone ridden on a trail. 85% of them we were off the bikes swinging them around manually while trying to not look down. We are not sure what trail rating this one has. If you’re not expert I would avoid it and if you are expert, I would not miss it.

10 Miles, 5hrs
This descent took five hours to go 10 miles. Closing in on Riggins which is probably 20 miles from where we started. At some point in the day Fred had a bee fly into his helmet. It gave him a good sting on the side of his head. Fred is as hard as woodpecker lips and, he didn’t say much about it and just kept twisting the throttle.

Bloody Hell
During another ascent later in the day Andy took a stick to the nose. Blood ran down his face covering his jersey and pants for 45 minutes or so. We never stopped as I never knew it, typical Andy we’re all carrying race radios! It looked like Mike Tyson had his way with him when we finally stopped to check the map. Our end point for the day was in Pierce. The gremlins of day one were showing themselves as we were behind again.

I should mention at this point I had a tip over in a creek. The bike found neutral, I went to put my foot down. Hence I ended up upside down smashing my Moto Minded Baja Design headlight case.
Chow Time
After a quick burger in town, we were off. We pushed over and under more trees and across side hills. We got to a nice little town around 930pm. The Boys rigged my light with a bungee and a stick as we gassed up. Chewing a couple of beef sticks, I focused and determined to push on to Pierce.

Now Fred’s bee sting was really getting to him and he decided to have a couple Benadryl. This made the next 3 hours Riding the Grit very tough for him staying awake and not crashing due to the hallucinations. We went to a mark on the map that said rudimentary camp site, but we only found a logging road.

We were tired as it was now 12:30 am. We connected two FPG ThermaShields from bike to bike and slept underneath directly on the gravel roadside. Andy awoke a few hours later to a coyote/wolf fight not more than 100 yards away.
Riding the Grit Pick The Right Gear
Fred and I had brought 40 degree bags, quickly discovering on this ride you need at least a 20 degrees. Andy had a nice 32 degree bag, zipper failed on night one he could not close it up at all. He just jackhammered all night every night. With temps during the night ranging between 25-30, we had to laugh at the craziness/stupidity of the situation. We made jokes while our teeth chattered.
Day 5: 11 hours 165 miles
We broke camp went to town for gas and to fill gas bladders as today was supposed to be extra-long. My MSR bladder had lost a cap. So I picked up an old Windex gallon container, filled it with gas while the boys strapped their MSR bladders to their bikes. Andy’s bladder had lost the nipple to it, so he used Steel Stick to seal it back up. 30 miles down the trail Andy realizes his gas is gone as the straps holding it snapped. He backtracked a few miles and has no luck. We had to change the game plan to a shorter day of Riding the Grit, out of fuel concerns. If pushed to tell the truth we were tired from the 17-hour day before and were ok with that.

Riding the Grit Avery
When we reached Avery…. Soo good the town is right on the river and the couple that own the general store and gas station also own the rooms. They are currently building a nice restaurant and bar, as well as renovating the rooms. He mentioned that he’s supposed to take the stop from Wallace on the BDR next year. It was the 5th night, after 4 nights in the dirt we had met our sleep in the dirt goals. Time for sheets, heat and a shower; felt good.
Day 6: 14.5 hours 160 miles

Ready to ride by 7am finally refreshed and looking to an early start. My blister had busted so we glued it with crazy glue wrapping it with duct tape and we were off. The 40-mile section from Avery to Wallace was super fun.

No Chow For You!
We got to Wallace and thought we would grab a quick bite. So it turns out we rolled snake eyes, after sitting for 45 minutes. Our waiter tells us they are about to start cooking our ticket… Angry that we gave away our early start with too much time already wasted. We ask them forget it and started the next leg. The boys ate a chocolate muffin quickly. As I started to inhale mine, I noticed at the last minute that it was covered with mold! We were all super pissed for a moment, but it turned out to be some good ammo for comedy. For the rest of the trip whenever anything went wrong it was that guy with the moldy muffin’s fault!
Busted Forks
Later in the day at some point, during the descent of Granite peak, Andy’s forks began to not function correctly. Somehow, they acted “hydrolocked” with the first four inches of travel not working with something clearly broken inside. You pushed them down and they didn’t return. So perfect for solid granite! LOL. However he did not say anything and just got on with it. It was a fun day Riding the Grit that should have been a little bit shorter.
River Washout

Now towards the end there’s a section where you ride up the river as the road is washed out. When turning on my GoPro, I got a little ahead of myself and raced up the river. Suddenly I swabbed the bars and went down with my leg pinned under the bike, the bike partially under water. Luckily the airbox was dry. I broke a few parts that took a couple of hours of precious daylight to diagnose with trail repairs…my bad.
Gold Creek Lodge
As you are approaching Gold Creek Lodge you start to notice how burned in the single track is. It is a fun area and once arrive at GCL you’re in a wonderland in the middle of the forest. There is a bar, restaurant, full garage and rooms set up to cater to DIRT BIKERS! We can’t say enough about this place and their staff. Mike and the crew are amazing. We plan to go back some day. I would make this stop mandatory as it is too much fun to pass.

Riding the Grit Day 7: 8 hours 130 miles

So after an excellent breakfast at GCL and Mike gassing up our bikes, we lit out for the next stage. Determined to make the border, we rode the Blue Trails. Before it was decided at the start of the day to ride the harder routes at the end. For the better pictures and to finish out strong. As we passed through Bonners Ferry, we stopped at my truck that we had shipped to our hotel. Then I picked up my passport, that I accidently had left inside, and we got back on track.
Danquist Trail
Eventually getting back into the woods, apprehension was in the air as we knew the Pack River crossing was coming up. We crossed it without incident and proceeded to the final climb. We had read that Danquist was a nice trail and it was indeed very enjoyable. Emerging on the short and final stretch to the border, we reached it quickly.
Riding the Grit Canada!
So the entire week we had been talking about getting to the border, what it would be like. Getting our selfies of the welcome to Canada sign, and maybe even some Canadian cheerleaders. In the end, there was only silence and the end of the road. There were just three good friends who had dug deeper than they ever had to accomplish a goal. We became closer because of it.
With a silent and simple nod of our heads to each other, we rode back down the hill. Forever changed by this wonderful lifetime adventure Riding the Grit…