Day 6 December 31st 2016

So I join the crew in Hotel Alcatraz’s patio area for breakfast. Another set affair with the usual bacon, eggs, hash browns pancakes and fresh fruit. The days Cabo ride plan is reviewed, today will be the last day of riding, as we will be hitting Cabo San Lucas! Consequently our final destination for this trip.
Now Before the riders head out on the Cabo ride we need to make a few repairs. Andy’s bike has been “bogging down” when he is getting up to speed. Robert chimes in that “This is a common problem on the fuel injected bikes”. Apparently the issue is a tiny mesh filter before the injector, this helps to prevent the injector from getting clogged. After several cleanings on the trail it is decided to dispense with this filter, there are filters further up the line in fuel pump. It seems like all the other bikes are doing amazingly well. Now it’s time to send the boys down the road. The riders line up and head out of Puerto San Carlos.
Ricky and I return to our rooms to get showered up and pack our gear, once done we resume our routine of sweeping the rooms for the usual culprits. All is looking good so we head on down to the lobby to return keys. Then the owner wishes us well and tell us to “Return any time my friends”. Loading up the truck I do a quick check over. So with that complete we can hit the road.
Today’s Mission
Today we are heading to meet the Cabo ride team at a Pemex station, about 20 miles outside of Cabo, along the Pacific coast. Now it’s probably going to takes us 5 hours to get there. When heading out of Puerto San Carlos on Hwy 22, we get to Constitucion where it’s time to head south on Hwy 1. A few hours into our journey we hit major road works, this causes us to lose a fair bit of time. The whole highway is being replaced, because of this we navigate the now familiar dirt bypass roads, this continues on for about 10 miles. Clearing the road works we hit fresh road and try to make up time
La Paz

Now we’re entering the town of La Paz, this is on the Sea Of Cortez side of Baja, yup we crossed coasts again, it won’t be the last time! So I opt for a quick stop to fuel up and stretch legs, we don’t want to spend too long after our delay from the road works. Next make our make out of La Paz and proceed to get well and truly Lost!
Lost In la Paz!
So somehow we have made a wrong turn and are now heading into areas that are getting more and more run down. As the roads start to turn to dirt it’s getting narrower by the house. So after about 10 minutes of getting more and more lost we spy a highway in the distance. It’s not going to be easy to get to, don’t forget we have a huge trailer in tow. Regrouping we ask some locals how to get back to Hwy 1. The route is now planned all we have to do is drop the trailer so we can make the turn around, hitch backup and we are on our way.
On The Road Again!
So with our little detour behind us we try to make up time on Hwy 1, there is not much around the highway as we zip on through. We make a quick stop to stretch our legs by an abandoned building. It looks like it was once a little roadside store. I ask Ricky what’s up with that? So Ricky tells me that the OXXO put a lot of smaller stores out of business, an OXXO is kind of like a Seven Eleven, for reference.

Todo Santos
In due time just after passing San Pedro we join Hwy 19 which will take us South West. So we decide to grab some lunch in Todo Santos. Todo Santos is a charming town on the Pacific Coast of Baja, yup we crossed coasts again! So Ricky takes me to a tacoria he and his family has been coming to for many years. Now I can see why, the food is excellent and the locals welcoming. Now that we are fed and watered it’s time to jump back onto Hwy 19 to our PEMEX rendezvous.
Hurry Up And Wait

Now arriving at the PEMEX rendezvous we fuel up and find a spot to get situated, that spot is in the back of the PEMEX. Finally I jump on the radio, grab the mic and say “Elbraaapo, Elbraaapo this is chase” no response. I repeat this call every ten minutes or so. After a while I hear some locals talking on the radio, they are asking who is team Elbraaapo? Ricky and I get a laugh out of this. About an hour and a half passes then I hear Chris on the Radio. “Elbraaapo chase copy”, “Copy that” I respond. Chris tells us their location , we estimate about 10 minutes before we will see them. They are going to keep pushing onto Cabo.
Riders Spotted

Spying the riders coming down the freeway, we jump on the road so we can keep pace. Next thing we know the team are riding formation around us, it’s so cool! I’m in contact with Chris and the other riders on the radio. Chris wants us to “Roll some coal” so he can see how his truck looks. “Rolling coal” is when you romp on a diesel to get a nice big cloud of black smoke. I’m not about deny Chris this request. Romping the chase truck we engulf the team in black smoke. I hear Chris on the radio “That’s dirty!” he says with a chuckle. Time for the home run, it’s about 20 minutes until our final destination The Office.
The Office Cabo San Lucas
Ricky loses sight of the Cabo ride team as we get into Cabo. The traffic is holding us back, where as the bikes can zip on through. Because of this we have to park several blocks away from The Office. As professional as it sounds The Office is a quaint bar on the beach in Cabo. Because of this it has been a traditional stop for a lot of rides ending in Baja. Ricky and I walk down to the bar and just catch the end of the welcome from friends and family that have been anxiously awaiting the arrival.
It’s time for us to hit the bar and enjoy a few well deserved cold ones. Once the buckets of beer have been passed around it’s time for the group photos.

Off To The Hotel
So the Cabo ride team head out for the hotel, Ricky and I walk back up the hill to reclaim the chase truck. Everyone is staying at Hotel Los Patios, just outside of town. I’m thinking this place is pretty cool, we pull up and see the bikes parked out front. It’s our turn to go to work and get the bikes situated around the back of the hotel and safe for the night.

I grab a taxi to take me to town. Because I was a late addition to the team there wasn’t a room available at Los Patios. No problem I know Cabo quite well and have procured a room at one of my favorite boutique hotels. I’m looking forward to a shower and tonight’s festivities, it’s New Years Eve!!
Downtown Cabo New Years Eve!

Downtown Cabo is an interesting place to say the least, I have been fortunate enough to have stayed here several times. This however is my first New Years celebration. Normally busy downtown feels like it’s about to burst at the seems. Revelers are packing the sidewalks and every bar is heaving. We visit a couple of the usual spots then we stop in for a beer at “The worlds smallest bar”. I notice the place is tiny and is covered in dollar bills stapled to the walls they are signed by people from all over the world.

Across the street is Sammy Hagar’s legendary Cabo Wabo. The lines are out of the door so we decide to go to one of my favorite places El Squid Roe.
El Squid Roe

The Squid Roe is a club that is dedicated to having a good time. There are four levels and all sorts of signs and art on the walls. I see the tables are super strong and dancing on them is encouraged!

The waitresses come around frequently with jello shots. f you order one there is a ritual to be performed. The waitress will feed you the shot, shake your head around and then bury your face in her chest, all the while blowing a whistle!
The team have a great time drinking beers and reviewing our adventure. Squid Roe will make anyone dance eventually with it’s infectious dance tunes and full on party atmosphere.

Ricky and I make it to the VIP area in the top of the club. Here we have a view of the whole club and all the madness below
Apparently Ricky has a bit of a fascination with stripper poles. He spies an empty dancers cage high above the club, security lets us pass and Ricky performs for the whole club!
We ring in the New Year, welcome 2017! The Cabo ride group thins out, a few of us remain partying away in beautiful Cabo. Eventually I head back to my hotel after stopping for some El Pastor tacos it’s about 4am.

the next at The Office
The next day, with a sore head I meet up at The Office for a leisurely lunch and beers in the sand with the Cabo ride team. Ricky has already left for the airport, the group seems a lot smaller without him.

The beach vendors offer an array of trinkets, cigars and hats. One vendor offers to make us custom woven wristbands. Tom beckons him over and commissions enough for all of us.

We meetup for dinner to celebrate Andy’s birthday. A great night is had by all. I am really going to miss this crew. Some lifelong friendships have definitely been formed. The group retires early as most of us are flying out tomorrow.
Pit Tip: If you fly domestic to Tijuana the wait lines are shorter crossing back into the States. Likewise flying Tijuana to Cabo you just walk straight out with no customs as it’s a domestic flight.

Chase Truck
Now how’s the Chase truck getting back you may ask from the Cabo ride? Chris, John and Jim are planning to drive back up through Baja with the bikes in tow. Let’s just say they had quite the adventure from scuba diving in the Sea Of Cortez to making a hasty exit from Mexico after riots broke out when the gas prices were deregulated. But that’s a story for another time…
I hope you enjoyed my adventure and would love any feedback you may wish to offer. Until next time Viva Mexico!!