Day 3 December 28th 2016

Ricky was my bunk mate this time, he informs me ” You snore like a Trophy Truck!”, sorry Ricky. Subsequently we meet in the hotel restaurant, the team enjoys breakfast whilst finalizing todays plan for Baja. So Ricky and I see the riders off, stow gear bags and sweep the rooms, a now familiar routine. I have really enjoyed my stay at this Hotel in the middle of literally nowhere Baja Mexico. that’s how day 3 of our Baja Cabo ride started.

Gas Time
As we are leaving Ricky speaks to some locals, we find out the gas stations are closed. Fortunately across the street we see a pop up shade with gas barrels under it. So we pull up and fill the dump cans from this makeshift gas station. After that it’s time to leave, I take some pictures with one of the huge cactus.

Check Point
So not long after we leave the hotel there is a military checkpoint on Hwy 1. As mentioned before, roll all the windows down. Here the armed soldiers wave us to stop. Without delay they take a look at the truck and ask the usual “Where are you going and why?”. So Ricky leans over to me and says give out some stickers. Next I give the soldiers stickers as Ricky answers with our destination. Then smiles erupt and we are on our way.
Loncheria Cafe Baja
So our next stop on the Baja Cabo ride is a tiny little place called Loncheria Cafe, we pull in and get the truck parked up. Then Ricky and I head into the cafe, there’s Christmas decorations on the door and the smell of the wood fired stove fills the place with ambience. I am still full from breakfast so I grab a hot chocolate. So here we wait for the team, a few hours pass as I doze on and off.

Upon hearing the bikes, I look out to see they are coming down from a wash behind the café. As they motor on up next to the truck, I run inside and grab a tray of coffees. Without delay I hand them to the riders, grab my gloves and head out to help Ricky fuel up the bikes. So It turns out the riders preferred hot chocolate over the coffees this time.

Man Down !
Chris is starting to have issues with his shoulder and has switched bikes with Robert. He’s been riding an older Honda while Robert is riding a new KTM, which is way easier on the body. Chris is going to continue with the days ride, he just going to take it a bit easy.

The riders rest up for a while and confirm the plan before heading out. As soon as they have left I make sure to throw some stickers up on the door. It’s always fun to see who has been here before you!

Bahía De Los Angeles Baja
So Ricky and I jump in the truck and jam on down Hwy 1. Next we are going to Bahia de los Angeles, a small fishing town on the Sea Of Cortez Baja. We’re making good time down the slab. Suddenly we have to slow and pull off because of another wash out with a temporarily graded dirt bypass. I’m glad we didn’t hit this at night, warning signage is minimal! As soon as we crest over the hills there is a breathtaking view of the bay, this place is beautiful. In due time we pull into town and see a PEMEX to fuel up the truck and dump cans. Remember to fill up whenever you can!

Guillermos Place Baja
So we enter the parking lot of Guillermos and park right in front of the ocean. Guillermo’s is a charming hotel, restaurant and bar. It is literally on the beach. In the front of the parking lot there is a the skeleton of a huge Whale, the thing is massive! So time to check in and unload gear, I’m getting this routine down now. It’s a multi bed bunk situation again, similar to Don Eddie’s. Ricky knows the owner and his daughter, he has some presents for them.

Suddenly kids come running up to us shouting “Steeekers!”, I unload a few stickers into their eager hands, big smiles all around. The people in Baja are an amazing bunch, so friendly and supportive, they really love off road sports.

One of the local dogs runs up to check us out. Off to the bar we go for liquid refreshments, while we wait for the team. I speak to some of the patrons, who are mostly American and down here for the excellent fishing. They tell a lot of fisherman’s tales as I admire the decor of the bar.

We hear bikes pull up and walk over to the parking lot, half the team arrives. Ok what’s happened here? They proceed to tell us John has left his phone on the trail. It was decided for half the team to go back with him and the other half are here with us. The riders gear down and head to the bar.
Spot Satellite Tracking
Most of our riders are wearing a “Spot”. This a satellite tracking device with the capability of sending check in messages or a distress call with medical extraction if required. As time goes by and the sun’s getting lower we decided to pull up John’s spot and see where they are.
Dam it, “Internet’s down, sorry”, Guillermos daughter tells me, “They won’t be out for a day or so to fix it”. I ask if I may look at the system, back in the “real world” I work in IT. The WiFi router is responding and the modem is powered up but it can’t grab a signal. I trace the wires around the bar and then outside to the roof. Here they hit an NIU box and then continue up to the satellite, I disconnect and reset the NIU. I head back inside the bar to power cycle the modem and router. Voila we have internet, I login and check on John’s spot, they are moving our way but won’t reach us for a while yet.

After the sun goes down, eventually the second half of the riders arrive. At this stage of the Baja Cabo Ride it has been planned to maintenance the bikes. I grab my gloves and head lamp. It’s time for the Chase Crew to go to work! This project requires new air filters, oil change and oil filter for all eight bikes. I find trays to drain the oil into and get to work. Everyone pitches in and we get finished pretty quickly. The maintenance complete it’s time to fuel the bikes, give them a wipe down and get them stowed for the night. An all too familiar routine.

Dinner Time
Now for some dinner, we are all famished. Buckets of beer appear on our table as we order dinner. It’s taking quite a while to get food, apparently we have overwhelmed the kitchen, Ricky joins the kitchen staff to help things along. “Not many people make it down here right after Christmas”, the waiter says, understandable being the middle holidays. A picture of a Baja Race Truck next to a painted skull catches my eye as we wait for dinner and enjoy a few more beers.

Working Off Dinner
Thanks Guillermo’s, another great meal has been had, stories told and balls busted. It’s what we do! I head outside to take in the sea air and have a few more beers. Guillermo’s daughter comes over and asks me if I can help out, some of the locals have got their car stuck on the beach. We walk up to the car it’s wheels deep in the sandy beach. Now with everyone pushing and rocking, the car breaks free, a cheer goes up from all who helped. I return to the porch overlooking the ocean for another beer. The hotel cat takes a liking to Kevin, promptly jumping into his lap and starts to purr. The ocean washes in and out, this place is so relaxing I feel like I’m on Baja time now.

It’s time for me to hit the sack and get ready for more adventures tomorrow. I have a new bunk mate tonight, Andy. I warn him of my snoring. “No problem!” Andy says, he’s a former Navy Seal, “I’ve probably heard worse”. Day three’s in the books.
Good night from the Bay Of LA!