Friday the 16th of August was the start of a 3 day discipline known as the Tennessee Knockout or for short TKO

So I was there to support my Twin Brother Jacob Edwards on his first ever real deal enduro. Extreme Enduro at that, the Kenda TKO.
The two of us were also to take a training Class Monday morning with Professional Sherco Rider Mario Roman who currently is third in the World for such events. So what the heck, a quick flight out to Nashville from San Diego and I was met by an RV and a trailer loaded with bikes and gear and we were off..
Neither of us had a clue what to really expect.
Previously, we had been to the Tennessee Trials Training Center (TTC) two years prior for a weekend of trials bike training but we saw very little of the actual course that would make up the Kenda TKO.
So we arrived, set up camp, got all situated and immediately disappeared into the woods to get a better view of what was to come.

We noted all the Kenda markers were up everywhere so it was easy to see what was expected. So we very quickly realized this was no Hare scramble or Weekend trail ride with a cute trophy to follow, this was the real deal.

Real Rock, Real Hills, Real river beds that went on as far as you could see.

So I immediately thought to myself, “I’m glad I’m here for just some training. Oh have fun with this one Jacob!”
All Welcome
The beauty of this event is as long as they have the opening, you can throw your hat in the ring as a total Novice. Now I’m not saying it’s a smart Idea I’m just saying you can.

Jacob had a Lot of “LIFE” going on so training had not really came together as he had hoped. As a matter of fact, he had only gone out one time prior to this day on his own property mainly to assure the bike he would be using, (a 2016 FC250 Husqvarna “four stroke”), was running properly. Partway through this shake down ride, he made a wrong maneuver and threw his back out. Not the way you want to arrive at one of the country’s most extreme enduro’s .
But regardless, he gulped some Advil down, smacked himself in the face a few times and was off to the first order of business, “The Prologue”

We found out the Kenda TKO Prologue was only for the next days race position, that was it. You could not Lose –unless you just gave up (DNF), which some did but otherwise it looked pretty straight forward.

The route was mostly within the spectators area. Basically it was set up in way that all the fans could see who what and how well the riders were doing. Mind you, unless you were top five in some other AMA sanctioned event, you had to run the prologue to qualify for the Next days race (Kenda TKO #1)
Day 1 Kenda TKO (Prologue)
I believe there were 360 amateurs that ran the prologue that day.
It started at 2pm and if you showed up first you rode first. Jacob was the second rider out of the gate and was baited by the avid rider that was ahead of him and riding like a bat out of hell.
Go Time
The bikes left at 30 second intervals and Jacob did all he could to get right on this guys 6 o’ clock position. Come to find out later this guy was no Sunday rider and ended up making it all the way to the finals. “NOT THE GUY TO TRY AND FOLLOW IN YOUR FIRST RODEO!
Jacob on the other hand was dealing with a whole new discipline of riding as he flew into the “Grass” Area. Now that area was a maze of Kenda tape held up only by small wooden stakes in the ground. They had been placed in a virgin field earlier that day so it had never been ridden on. Later, Jacob said it was like skating on Green Ice with Zero traction.
The next section you were thrown down into a dry river bed with nothing but large Tennessee rocks waiting to pull your number. Unfortunately the bike was having issues and flamed out 4-5 times making this section extremely difficult.
River Beds
Let me tell you the last thing you want to do in these river beds is slow down or even worse, stop completely. I found this out very quickly a few days later in training, “If you see a hole you will find a hole and your ass is down!” You have to stay very far back on the bike to lighten the front end and never look at any rock for more then a second. They call this “Soft vision” as you’re not focusing on any specific object but trying to see the trail as a whole.
Anyway, I was in the Kenda TKO prologue viewing area with everyone else and could see none of this. So less then 5 minutes later Jacob re appeared from out of the woods on to the prologue area looking like he had just road for 5 hours NOT 5 minutes.

The first day was over and he had qualified at row 31 out of 65 with a time of 4:38 and ended up being 181 out of 360.

Not bad but not great either. He was frustrated and disappointed. The bike wasn’t running right, his back was in pure pain and the pressure of a full 2 and a half hour race starting at 9am the next morning was all he could think about. Get some sleep Jacob, tomorrow is a New Day.
DAY 2 (Kenda TKO Race #1) Saturday August 17th, 2019
This was now the Real Deal.
A legit 2 and a ½ hour Extreme Enduro through Tennessee’s relentless wilderness.
This Race would determine who would be taking home a Bronze finisher medallion and who would be qualified for (Kenda TKO Race #2) for the Silver. It was a timed race and out of the Two and a half hours allotted, you had to be within the first 180 bikes to come across the line.
Thank God the evening we ended up meeting another rider out of Colorado that helped Jacob get the bike running right and for the most part preventing it from flaming out.
Go Time
It was 9am and there was 65 rows of 6 bikes lined up all revving and ready to get punched in the face by the days Enduro.
30 seconds apart, line after line the bikes barreled into the prologue area. First over a few logs then up and over the shipping container. It was then off to the pedestrian ‘walk through’ viewing area and down into the Creek bed.
Nothing like eating rock for breakfast!
I quickly ran into the woods in hopes of catching him coming through.
I ended up seeing a women with full camera equipment racing through these trees and up a cliff and thought she must know where the good shot is.
Sure enough, she knew exactly where they would be coming through.
We had climbed a sizable hill onto a slate rock area where the morning sun was just coming through the trees. She let me know she worked for a riding magazine and had been to the Kenda TKO many of times and this was “The Spot”.
Sure enough 20 minutes later the bikes were roaring through.
Crazy Mary
One after another, bike after bike and “Crazy Mary” as they call her, was actually up on the rock ledge where the bikes were coming through. She’s pointing out to the riders the best line to keep up right and rolling. Not politely suggesting but YELLING at each as if she were a coach not a photographer. She knew almost every rider coming through…every rider except Jacob.

I quickly brought her up to speed on who I was waiting for and that it was his first extreme Enduro. When Jacob came through she was cheering him on as hard as she did the other riders. I was ecstatic to be there, to be part of something so great, so exciting and so Challenging .
Jacob didn’t even see me cheering him on. His focus was like an extreme Fighter pilot. I could see he was doing well and knew he also knew it! Of course it was only 25 minutes into a race that still had over two hours to go!
When the riders passed, I quickly ran down the mountain and followed Crazy Mary to the next rendezvous, down to the “Uphill Swamp”.
Dry Going
The only other year the swamp had ever been dry was its conception back in 2011.
Every year since it had poured rain making it next to impossible for the average rider, let alone a pro to complete. Today it was dry.
With the swamp being it dry, it means the rocks in it don’t move as much which translates to having better traction. This makes it a more competitive race from a time stand point.
Down The Mountain
Anyway finally passing through the ‘ Uphill Swamp’ Jacob came down the mountain and I could see his bright yellow #77 number plate covered by a large Jakprints sticker (you were not allowed having your own number unless you were Pro).
Rock after rock came loose as he traversed the down hill grade with many of the rocks rolling toward the spectators. It was touch and go on the downhill grade, one wrong move and down you go , enjoying a breakfast of dirt and rocks.
He did great and handled it like a pro! When he got down to the bottom where it immediately turns he was required to shoot back UP the same rocks! I just caught his eyes through the goggles but I could see a major change in Jacob he looked like hell.
It was only 20 minutes from the last spot I saw him and back then he looked fine, but now he looked totally whooped. You could see his pursed lips sucking at the life line of water piped directly into the helmet and into the veins. Without it he would be dried up like an old prune and out of the event for sure!
Again I was off to the next spot
“Jarvis Falls”
and yes that’s Graham Jarvis Falls
I don’t know what Graham had done there to have the area named after him but I can only imagine! As the name implies, it was a water fall.
There were huge boulders covered in moss with downed trees right in the intended trail. From Graham Jarvis Falls one would ride down the river bed and onto the prologue finish.
It took me a bit to get to the area. Most people were smart or at least experienced enough with the area that they had mountain bikes to hop on and make easy work of getting to the next area but I was all on foot.
I got positioned in the creek bed and waited. Bike after bike came through the look of death on each and rider. I just cheered them on, almost there! Don’t stop now!

At this point it had been just over an hour, I had memorized few riders with stand out gear that I could use as markers to assure I didn’t miss Jacob. I knew he had not come through the area yet. I was down there for a Good 20 minutes and at times totally alone.
It was peaceful beautiful pleasant really.
Manny Legtinbechler
I see someone appear into the river bed just a head of me wearing a Red bull hat and sporting a KTM hydration pack. Immediately I knew it was Manny Legtinbechler, the #1 rider in the world leading the Extreme Enduro series.

(Pros don’t race until the last day so he was just getting familiar with the conditions)
So I quickly stepped over and had my own personal interview with the top rider in the world.
Interviewing Manny!
“Manny”, I asked him, “ How are you? Any thoughts on the course?”
He’s Austrian so imagine a younger Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Manny: Is Good, I feel Good.
Isaac: Pretty crazy no rain this year huh?
Manny: This will be Competitive
Isaac: Shouldn’t it be an easier race from last year given last year ever stream was flooded ever rock was slick?
Manny: I wish it was raining those conditions separate the real technical riders. This race will be extremely competitive being dry it will be anyone’s race.
So I realized very quickly watching the pro’s what he meant. Riders like South Africa’s Wade Young were Fast Very fast.
And although there were really technical sections with step ups higher then my head, if they could get the grip they could get the win.
The riders started coming through again and I remembered the jersey’s and for sure Jacob had not come through yet. He either had enough (They don’t call it the Kenda TKO KNOCKOUT for nothing) or was just pushing through.
It was only 1 hour 30 minutes in to a race that allotted 2 and half hours.
BAM! Here he comes hopping through the rocks like a pro! Legs spread feet on the outside of the pegs and heels dipped, Just like they showed us min trials training.
He saw me this time as I jumped into the creek and cheered him straight on!
He was doing it he was going to finish the Race #1 Kenda TKO!
I ran as fast as I could back up to the prologue area. Bikes were coming in like crazy one after another into the rock garden and log run. A spectacle for all let me tell you.
So not everyone had the energy to even get over the logs to the finish. It was all the riders could do just to get over the line and let that transponder record their time!

Jacob came into the prologue area In a completely different state then the day before and from not only an hour before.
He now looked dialed up and Confident. Up the rocks he went with no problem. He totally cleaned it! Up the Log step up and into the final rock garden.
BAM didn’t even drop a foot, True Pro style! Like it was his Job!
I couldn’t believe it! MY F-ing phone over heated right then!!!
It was hot as hell. Don’t get me wrong but come on! Sorry Jacob no video of the flawless finish!

He was juiced, totally stoked, he had finished, he was totally amazed with himself. Exhausted, excited and beat! His hand was just a mess with two open sores bleeding out but he wore a huge smile!
He had done it! 1 hour 38 minutes! He earned the coveted Bronze Finisher for Kenda TKO #1 Race

So for an amateur or more appropriately a hobbyist, this was nothing short of amazing!
Hence he had not only earned the Bronze given his time being under 1 hour 40 minutes he qualified for Kenda TKO Race #2 !!!!

DAY 2 (Kenda TKO Race #2) Saturday August 17th, 2019
Now let me be frank This is why this is called the Tennessee KNOCKOUT. Anyone who qualified from Race #1 was now able to participate in Race #2 Silver!
Jacob knew there wasn’t a farts chance in a hurricane he was making it over that rainbow to the pot of gold. He was spent BUT like a true Champ saddled up and got ready for the Next race that started in less then 30 minutes.
Race #2 was an extra 30 minutes of course but 30 minutes less of time to finish and a heightened level of KNOCKOUT!
Steeper hills with higher step ups, longer runs through the rock creeks and boulders and and and you get it! Knockout time!
He made it 1 hour! Not bad all things considered. It ended on the down uphill swamp area but this time around they changed the line and 15-20” rock you came down you had to go up KNOCKOUT TIME! He came to the rock and at that very moment also ran totally dry of water! It was game over!
I have to give it to him, he sat there for a bit letting the other guys go through as there was a huge pile up of bikes trying to make the rock climb. Once everyone came through or had quit knowing darn well it was impossible to make the 2 hour time limit or to be one of the first 30 riders to come through the prologue (earning the Silver) he said he did it anyway! just for his own piece of mind and knowing he was coming back next year determined for the Silver! Up the rock he went !!
30 riders came through the prologue that day making the time for the “FINAL DAY” with the pro’s.
The top 5 riders would earn the highest level for a Non Pro The “Gold” Medallion.
FINAL KNOCKOUT (PRO’s and Silver and Gold Finishers) Sunday August 18th, 2019

The day was tense tons of spectators Husqvarna, KTM, Sherco, Gas Gas and Beta all rolled out their finest! This was it this was the race!

The AMA Grand National Extreme Enduro!
All to come down to a little old town south of Nashville called Seqetchie TN. Who would be awarded the the KING of Kenda TKO 2019? For 6 years proceeding, California’s Own Cody Webb had that honor! He was out with an injury so this was the year! It came down to three riders
Manny Letinbechler -KTM

Mario Roman -Sherco

Wade Young –Sherco

All riders had to Race the same regime Race #1 Race #2 and then the FINAL KNOCKOUT.
Race #1 the pro’s finished in about 45 minutes with Manny Leading
Race #2 found Wade Young Finding his line and finishing with a quicker time then Manny
Final Knockout
The Final Knock out was intense. They shortened thee course so spectators could actually see almost every special test. It was CRAZY! The crap these guys were going up and how easy they made it look was Mind blowing!

This was a 3 mile loop they had to do 7 times + one lap
Extremely technical step up after step up Rock climb after rock climb. These guys were flying through rock beds like they were flat!
It is absolutely amazing to see how much Bike control these guys have its like an extension of their body.
BUT someone has to be the winner and that was Manny! Flawless lap one after another he had it and he knew it!
Mario came in second and Wade trailing closely behind in third.
2019 TKO was a wrap!

A SPECIAL DAY- Monday August 19th 2019
I’m all about flying out from San Diego to support my brother in running the TKO but the truth was is we didn’t even know if he was going to race or not. He was number 65 on the waiting list to be excepted.
It wasn’t until we were informed that Sherco Factory rider Mario Roman from Madrid Spain (my all time favorite rider) was holding a extreme enduro training class on Monday. Jacob and I jumped at the opportunity and now this gave me a reason to start finding airline tickets to Nashville asap.
If Jacob got in that would be awesome but if he didn’t we would still be able to see the race and do the training day. It was booked!
What was actually really cool as well is there was a “Practice loop” about 3 miles through the Tennessean hills that virtually anyone with a bike could ride and whenever you wanted. So Jacob and I were able tune the bikes and work out the stiff legs from travel in preparation.
A friend had told me that these pro schools are more like hanging out asking questions and then watching the pro do some cool stuff for the camera.
That is NOT what Mario’s school was by any stretch of the imagination.
Quite the opposite really

School Time
He had us gear up come out to flat land, had us practice balance for about 5 minutes and then it was off to the creek bed Straight Away!

It was Hot, It was Humid and it was sharp rock waiting to eat your lunch. I got through it the first go with only one drop of the bike. Legs out Heels dropped (your bodies natural suspension by the way). Hand loose, Body Back choose the line and soften the vision. Momentum is everything. First run through first gear only. Second run through Second gear. As Mario would say if you come out of third Gear in extreme enduro you are either making a terrible mistake or you are a Pro!
Anyway all I could think about is my God I’m literally exhausted from a 2 minute run and Jacob just did this for Hours! I’ve got some training to do OHHH BOY!
Jarvis Hill
Out of the creek it was onto Jarvis Hill for Training on how to hill climb.
This was awesome! There was lines going straight up the mountain and Boy everyone of us just wanted to show our numbers disappearing up into the hills clearing every root and rock ahead BUT that’s not what this was about.
Mario wanted us to Forget the LINE! The line is bottle necked, the line is not the win.

The win is anything BUT the line. He had us start at an angle and traverse the whole mountain side finding our traction That was the importance! Anyone can shoot up a hill climb with a running start on a dry day but everyone is 50 cents short of a dollar when its pouring rain and you’re at a dead stop in the creek bed staring up the hill climb full of bikes bottled all the way back to the trailer. You’re going to be sitting there thinking about what you “Could” have done different.
THIS IS MARIO ROMAN! Cool Calculated nothing by chance nothing by anxiety nothing NOT intentional! AS True PRO!
Read the Line You are only racing yourself forget everything else who cares what position you are in deal with the moment
Watch this guy ride you will learn a lifetime of nuggets! Nuggets that when your cards are down can get you back up and sometime with very little effort.
“Pivot Turn” This was the main “trick” he would teach us. For such a section. the Pivot Turn is essential for success on hill climbs when traction is nil!
It ain’t easy Believe me. I tried and tried I fell backwards down the slope over and over until seeking out what a novice might be considered magic. I was a man needing to spend a lot more time on that mountain side!
Lastly it was off to the TKO FINAL RACE SHOW STOPPER simply “THE FALLS”
The Falls
A mash of sharp as hell rock and step ups that only end in further step ups ! This was the spot! This was the section that almost ALL TKO Photos are taken. Here I sit at the mouth of the beast and I get to throw my hand at what the Pro’s had to face 8 times in a row! OMG! Somehow I made it to the rock face not falling once!
I used every nugget of knowledge I could remember from the disciplines of earlier trials. I was proud, I was getting better and I might have learned something.
BUT there I was at the step up the loaner 2010 250 XC growling letting me know IT could get up that rock , but could I? At this point Mario was standing a few feet from me as more of a reporter to the medic that might ask what the hell I was doing or had Tried to do. I saw a line it seemed right Mario looked gave me the nod “Approval” yes my son you too can be a Pro, I will give you the strength. You have learned well GO GO to the Light
That’s pretty much how I remember it at least!
Show Time!

The reality was quit different! I rung that throttle out slipped that clutch in from what I though was a smooth roll on and BAM! UP it went! Yep! UP the Bike went right up on top of the 5 foot rock! I on the other hand went Back! Back down to reality where the Sharp as hell rocks stopped my fall and my Kidney! THANK GOD that bike wanted it more then I did and stayed up on that ledge!
I cant say the same for everyone that day
I walked away happy, happy to give it my best, happy to be part of something more than I could ever master. Happy continue to learn, happy to have been reintroduced to the love of riding dirt bikes! There’s nothing like it!
-Isaac Edwards

California’s Own
Cody Webb